Worst Song EVER is Stuck in my Head

So my mom listens to Hawaiian music on Wednesdays. Don't ask me why, it's just a weird thing that she does. And trust me, the music is crazy.

The one stuck in my head is just a typical love song at first right? And then the chorus goes, "Come rub upon my belly like guava jelly! Guava guava jelly, guava guava jelly!"

....I know.

Do weird songs get stuck in your head easily? They do in mine...

Annnndddd to meet the 100 word minimum, I'm going to just tell you about my day.

Bought my favorite artist's new CD, also got a bunch of dates at the store... (I know what you're thinking. I mean the fruit

Also school happened.

Okay...Adios for now, amigos!
January 16th, 2014 at 08:02am