The Perks of Being a Wallflower

So lemme start off by saying that I haven't seen the movie yet so don't ruin anything!!!

I am in the middle of reading the book which is amazing beyond belief...if you haven't read the book then go read it! Right now!!

It has a lot of real stuff in it so I warn you of this kind of truth...but go read it it's awesome!!

Anyway, I think I scared the guy I like away today...

I was walking down the hallway after school heading to my bus and my friend Bruce suddenly reached out and tried to snatch my unicorn hat off my head.

Now, the way it works in my school, seats on the bus are first come, first serve so I was practically rushing and it scared the fuck out of me when Bruce appeared out of no where.

Little did I know the tall blonde cutie was rushing next to me and heard me pretty much growl at Bruce to never do that again and leave me the fuck alone.

You know how I know he heard me?

I watched him rush ahead and look back at me with disgust.

I was so ready to flip him off that I think my finger was raising on its own.

Also, once I was on the bus for a little while, this kid I knew ended up missing his stop and I was like, "You missed your stop didn't you?"

He just nodded and didn't say anything.

So when the bus driver came to a stop sign I yelled at him to stop here because this kid had missed his stop.

Now, at this point I was blaring my music in my ears and I remembered that my driver was a bit hard of hearing especially with the noise on a bus full of high schoolers...

So I yelled...really loud and I turned down my music in the process of yelling.

The bus went silent because of my loud mouth and the kid mumbled a barely audible "thanks" then got off the bus.

He kinda looks like Niall...only he's reaaaally short and looks like a 10 year old.

So maybe not as much...

Anyway, a few moments after the kid got off the bus, the driver looked at me in his stupid little mirror and said, "I'm not deaf."

I swear I turned as red as a tomato...yeah today was insane.
January 16th, 2014 at 10:10pm