Highschool vs College

So I know a lot of people on mibba are in high school still. I felt like I should sort of make a blog to tell you the differences between the two places because to be totally honest, almost everything that they tell you in high school is absolutely wrong. I wish I had someone to tell me a lot of the things that I've learned.

Highschool: Your professors will not let you out of class early and class does not start late. If you are more than five minutes late to your class, you will be asked to leave. If you have to leave early, you will not be marked there for the day.
College: Don't be more than fifteen minutes late. If you're five minutes late, if you're ten minutes late, fine. Just come in quietly and don't walk in front of the professor. Parking in the garage or taking buses are hard, and the professor's understand. Class also will not always go to the end. The professors get very tired of talking for 90 minutes every day. They also will keep you there the entire time, but it is possible to leave early, especially if you have work or somewhere important. They are understanding if you email them ahead of time.

Highschool: Tests are everything. You will not do work between. You have to study for the tests because they make or break you.
College: Most professors drop tests. Sometimes they're too tired to make a test or they have so much to do that they don't want to make another exam. Also, most have grading policies where they drop your lowest test grade because they understand you wont always have a good day or you may have an emergency.

Highschool: You cannot miss a class. If you miss a class, you will miss everything for the day and you will most likely miss something really important. You cannot miss classes.
College: Miss up to three classes without penalty, whatever, you don't need an excuse, you don't have to explain why. Just don't miss more than three. Accidents happen and they really don't care why you aren't there.

Highschool: You will be in lecture halls of 300 people or more. The professors do not know you, they don't care who you are. You will not be able to talk to them about grades. You're nothing to them.
College: You may have classes with this number of people. You will be a name on a roll call sheet. But professors LOVE students who try, students who contact them, who avidly ask for help. They will not blow you off, and often if you're avidly keeping on top of your grades and keeping in contact, they are more likely than anything to help you.

Highschool: There are thousands of students and you are on in a thousand. It's easy to get overwhelmed, it will be hard to make friends and you're going to have to try really hard to make friends.
College: Everyone in college is nice. People in your classes will say hi because more likely than not they're trying to find someone to make friends with in class to. Just complimenting someone or saying hi opens a million doors. It's just like the normal world, if you want a friend, it's really NOT hard.

Few things they teach you in high school prepare you for college. But you don't have to worry about it. College is hard. You go over things quicker, you have more to learn, and the courses are a bit harder. But you can do it, if you study, you ask the professor what exactly to look through and you pay attention, you will succeed. College is intimidating and you may fail a class, you may struggle in a class. But if you just try- you actually TRY, you will making something of yourself there. I swear!

I hope this helped anyone who is scared to attend!
January 18th, 2014 at 07:29am