Fannibalism: I Am Not Evil.

I'm a massive Fannibal. I really love all the blood and guts and the everything else. I love how it isn't the classic, Anthony Hopkins style Hannibal (but he will always be the best.).

My best friends are int TV shows as well and we talk about it a lot and I'll calmly mention Hannibal then BANG.


Liking TV shows or movies or music videos that show explicit violence or gore doesn't make you a bad person. I *love* Splat Pack movies like SAW and the movies that aren't Splat Pack but are still extreme like The Human Centipede. It doesn't mean I'm a malicious mass murderer. I'm probably the nicest person you could meet. It's the same as judging someone for their music taste or clothes, it doesn't always define who they are.

Rant over. Don't be a judgemental twat.
January 18th, 2014 at 12:09pm