Random Blog Just Because...:P || Update News || Squirrel Stabbing

Time: 12:09 p.m.
Sound: My Michelle by Guns & Roses
Drink: OJ
Mood: Hyped / Kinda Strange....



I never, ever, get hyper. I mean NEVER, but for some odd reason here we are today and I can't seem to sit still... that long.


Anyways I just wanted to post a blog, not really sure why now.


But, yeah, so my weekend update fest is canceled because I lost my writing momentum. I knew I would :(... Which sucks, but whatever.


I am bringing back my X-Games Kyle Loza fan fiction for this wonderful person called SycoScene. She messaged me a few days ago wondering where the story went. I took it down because I didn't exactly like it, and I didn't think anyone was really reading it, but I was attempting to finish it anyway. So you can imagine my absolute shock when she messaged me and asked what happened? That's coming back in March. Hopefully old chapters will be posted tomorrow... I have a lot of stuff to do so lets keep our fingers crossed.

I'm going to start, probably tonight, writing ahead for The Science of Monsters and The Last Wolf so I can spend more time on Just a House? next week. I fully intend to go from six chapters (including a prologue) to about twelve chapters (including the prologue) for Just a House? this week since Writer's group is Saturday and I need to get on the move with it.

So yeah, there's you some story updates too...

And also...oh my goodness!!! My other uncle (I have two uncles that make homemade wine now) brought me some muscadine wine. Don't ask me what a muscadine is...I have no idea, but apparently my great grandmother (who was an angel in this world of demons... and an amazing cook/gardener) used to grow and make her own. Well he tried to remember how to make it that way and he brought me some and OMG it's sooo good!!

Crap I forgot my co-writes. Endportal Kitten and I are working to update Lunacy and Star Keeper soon. So, hopefully those will be updated by Wednesday... fingers crossed.

I can't remember if I said anything about a co-write that I'm doing with one of Mibba's old users that was here when I was pretty popular as Lady Nikki Nightmare. But yes, Vampire's_Addiction and I are attempting a fantasy story that shows vampires in a stunning new light. So if you're interested in some non-blood sucking fiends keep an eye out for a blog about that. It'll be called Heart & Soul!

But okay, that's it. All I can think of. I have a rant coming on about one of my oldest friends coming too. She's seriously kind of pissing me off lately, and she's not on Mibba, so I'm going to be telling you guys a bit about that later tonight... that's all

Thanks for reading and dealing with my psychotic mood at the moment.

P.S: I see a squirrel outside my house...omg I read an article about a woman that stabbed her husband with a squirrel... I hope she's in jail cause I don't want to know what a squirrel stabbing feels like...


And yes... it did take me a half hour to write this since I've been back and forth running my mouth to my mom and being absolutely crazy... :'( I don't like being hyper!!!
January 18th, 2014 at 06:40pm