Fangirling so much right now. || Gif overload

No names involved, but the guy I like told me he likes me. Guys can I just, HE TOLD ME HE LIKES ME.


And when he told me I sort of sat there for a minute, didn't reply, was just a bit like


I mean seriously, I'm not one to fangirl but me. Who on earth would like me? I'm literally smiling like a freak at the moment. I just went downstairs smiling and said night to me dad, he just looked at me as if to say "are you well?"


Now I'd just like to say I'm going to bed with a grin on my face tonight because life.


Yes okay it's a good night, bai.


The guy will never know I fangirled like this.. ever.
January 21st, 2014 at 03:44am