I feel like such a horrible person.


I always plan to and eventually DO comment on all of the stories that I read. But I don't always do it right then. In fact, it's very rare that I do at all.

What I do do, is put all of the stories on my subscriptions list, start a comment going for a of them on NotePad on my computer, and go back to the story a few times before actually posting the comment.

Why do I do this?

Because I feel like I have to take the time to give the stories I read the types of comments they deserve. I want to tell the author everything I love about their story, and sometimes it's hard for me to form my thoughts into a cohesive comment on the spot.

So, if I have read/recommended your story but have yet to comment, don't panic. Your comment will come. It just may be a day or so. But I promise, I'm not a silent reader.


And how are you all today?
January 21st, 2014 at 03:51am