Chapped Lips Suck.

Seriously, they do.

I've had dry chapped lips since the beginning of December, and it is getting on my last nerve. It's not just that they're dry - they actually hurt. Throbbing almost, especially in the wind when I go outside. They don't look any different, a little redder if anything, but they're horrible to feel.

I've tried all sorts of lips balms, vaseline, all day and all night - but nothing works. I'm reaching the end of my tether because it's getting the point now where if I don't reapply some sort of balm every hour, the air con of my office makes them hurt again.

Anyone use/know of lip balms (etc) which are really good for soothing and conditioning? Because clearly the ones I'm using just don't work, especially in this cold windy weather.

Thanks, guys.

January 22nd, 2014 at 05:51pm