Lady Parts, Bubble Guts And Babies? (Mature Content, TMI for males)

So I think most of us females on here could agree that we dislike getting/having our period. I have mixed emotions with mine because for 1. I have PCOS. male hormone is higher than a normal female's so that means my body hair grows extremely thicker and faster and my period is sometimes late.

Through the past year though it's started being more regular which is a good sign. I always worried about PCOS and not being able to get pregnant. Back when I went to the GYN last....she never said I couldn't get pregnant and that I probably could if I took some pills she could give me. That's been years ago though. I need to go again but I'll have to get the money together. me and my husband have been trying for our first child for like a year. I mean I've done all those old wives tales about propping your lower half up in positions and I've even stood on my head to let the....."baby batter" set if you will lol. Still nothing. Sigh. I just get so impatient because I see some women having children who don't want them and sometimes they even mistreat them and then I think about all the women who want a baby more than anything and aren't able to have them.

I mean I get pretty scared when I think about what if I can't have kids? Not only will I not bare children like I so desire but I'll feel like a broken.....woman.....and less of a woman. It's very depressing to think about. My heart goes out to any woman who isn't able to have a child who truly wants one. I'm going to keep trying though. I still have a period every month so that is still a good sign. Hopefully it will just happen when it's supposed to and I'll get pregnant. =)

But onto my period again lol.....this time I'm all crampy and my stomach feels like I have the "bubble guts" as I call it. Kind of like that bloated churny feeling you get before having to go number three in the bathroom. I'm trying not to be totally sick here. I hate how it will make you basically live in the bathroom sometimes. I took some pills for it though and am finally getting some relief.

It's made my back hurt so bad today and this snow and cold has my joints and my hip hurting randomly. I mean I was out shopping and had to come home. I told my man, I said, "You know I'm sick when I pass up shopping." He laughed and agreed lol. I dunno it's just weird because now that I'm older, I don't have as bad of cycles like I used to. When I was around 14-15....I would be curled into a ball crying with intense cramps.

Now I only get cramps maybe one day out of the whole thing which I'm thankful for. It's just funny because I'll find out I started and at first I'm like "damn it, I wanted to be pregnant," then I'll be like, "well at least my periods are still regular and I still get them so there is hope." It's like this big emotional roller coaster basically lol.

Men really do have it a lot easier. I mean honestly what do they have to live with? What? Getting a boner in public or blue balls or something? They can just go rub one out and get past the pain. Us women have to bleed for a week NOT TO MENTION.....a living child comes out of our vagina. I mean that shit isn't the same after being stretched and wrecked like that.

I mean that's kind of fucked up if you think about it. I mean I know animals go through the same thing. Some are lucky enough to lay eggs. I mean could you imagine how much less painful it would be to just lay an egg instead of sliding a whole baby out of your birth canal? Childbirth seems so alien-like to me. I mean....we are like hosts for other beings inside of us until they come out. I'm certainly not downing childbirth because it's truly an amazing thing. It does scare the shit out of me though.

I've never been pregnant yet or had any kids so far so it's definitely an unknown experience that I'm nervous about. But of course the end of the ordeal will certainly justify all the pain. I just kind of challenge any man who bitches about hearing women complain about periods or child birth. I mean I'd tell any man that okay, you bleed for a week, wipe a million times everyday, shower twice as much, cramp, bloat, have fatigue and bubble guts and either shove tampons up your snatch or wear a diaper all week and see how cheerful you are.

You carry a living thing in your stomach for 9 months while it takes all of your energy and makes you waddle slow and your legs hurt and see how much you complain. Honestly I don't know why I went off into this because no men have said anything to me and my husband doesn't make fun of me when I'm on my period it's just I've heard guys at work and other places tease girls saying that girls have it so easy. Pshhh. Let's trade shoes brah and we'll see how fast you come running back for yours.

ANYWAY. In the short amount of time that I did shop today, I got a new tank top, exercise shorts, yoga pants and two work out tee shirts. I'm excited! I like having comfy exercise gear to wear. I'm getting pretty excited for Spring to get here, too. I LOVE going and walking a mile at our local park here. As I walk along, my mind gets really clear and I listen to my music. It's one of those things that really eases my stress and my depression. I now have a dog so I'm totally stoked about taking her to walk with me.

I'm hoping that in time I can get up to walking two miles a day. The track wraps around the entire park. Like it's a water park in the summer but there's also basketball courts, tennis courts and a soccer field. There is even a disc golf course which my man likes to go to with his guy friends. I walk while he does that and it's pretty nice. Hell, sometimes I play with them but I wish I had more girlfriends who weren't busy to come along.

I don't mind being with just the guys because my man's friend is pretty cool but they need "guy" time sometimes, ya know? His guy friend has this off and on thing with this same girl for like years and he's always telling my man an earful and I think he gets embarrassed to say the stuff around me lol. So I let them have their own time. Besides, I kind of suck at playing disc golf. I try SO hard and the damn thing always goes off into some fucked up ditch or tree.

I am good at finding the discs though. My man's uncle lost his special custom disc in the park one day and like I told my take me to what hole he lost it on and I'll find it. Like two days later we went and I found it lol. His uncle was so happy that he paid me $20 as a reward because that disc cost him upwards of $100 and he was going to have to buy a new one. They play in tournaments and stuff so they have special gear they have to keep.

So yeah....I'm getting a head start on my exercise clothes. I'm gonna by some sneakers today as well. I'm working on an update for Filled With Syn right now and I also want to know.....would you ladies like for me to make one of those blogs where I list my fave hot male celebs? I've never done one of those really. I mean I did make a blog with just sexy M. Shadows pics but lol.....that's different. I think I'll make one tonight or tomorrow. So that's about it. I've really missed posting blogs and I think I'll start doing it more steadily again.

(BTW) I'm not trying to be sexist here against males. These were just opinions.
January 22nd, 2014 at 06:23pm