Dear Jack || The ending of something that was once beautiful.

So, I just want to start off with this saying that this is just me venting to whomever is reading. I just really need to get this off of my chest.

Dear Jack,

On July 22, 2013 you asked me to be your girlfriend after months of talking and getting to know each other. I agreed, giving you my undivided attention, and still getting to know you on a day-to-day basis. You made me laugh, and you made me smile. I really liked you, and I knew what I was getting myself into. What, with the distance and all.

We made it to our first month with no problems at all. You even reminded me, and that was a big plus because no guy before you had ever remembered the day we got together.

The day before our second month as official boyfriend-girlfriend, I remember that phone call clearly. We were on the phone for what seemed forever, and it felt right, easy. And then I had to eat and so you texted me asking me what I would do if you said you loved me. I asked you the same thing, and from then on, I started loving you more and more each day.

As months started rolling by, we began fighting, hating, disliking a lot of things about each other. We took a break, and you called me the next day telling me you missed me. I, of course, fell for it. Because at the time I didn't realize you were never going to change. That person that I took a break from was the same person I broke up with. You started becoming more distant, putting in less and less of an effort.

Then, came December. You did a complete 360 and were the person I fell for. I thought you'd stay that way because you were putting more effort in, making more time to talk to me, and you loved me again. However, that wasn't the case. You were feeling guilty about something. I didn't know what it was, but I guess it was something you had to have done while you were out drinking.

Her name's Brittani. She must be pretty, nice even. She must have a slim body, a perfect smile, and blue eyes. She probably holds your hand when she's scared, and she probably cuddles like a pro. She's probably everything I wasn't - perfect.

When you love someone as much as I loved you, you have to understand why I feel so much angst and hatred towards you. If you liked her, you could've left. You didn't have to hide her from me. I don't want to admit it, but it actually hurts a little bit. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I yell. But when you see me, you'll never see me broken or sad. You'll see me happy, because I want you to hurt just as bad as I do. I want you to cry for me in the shower because she's not me. And by me, I me I mean the girl you used to love more than yourself.

So now I know, and that's why I broke up with you. It's been 12 days, and I don't hurt anymore. My heart doesn't ache for you, and my life is getting better. I'm much happier now. Don't flatter yourself with a different girl every night, because she'll never be as good to you as I was.
January 23rd, 2014 at 03:23am