Absolutely Terrified

I don't know what being in love feels like. I've never been in love, and like a lot of girls, I love the idea of being in love.

I've being talking to this guy (we'll nickname him Spidey) for a while, almost a year and a half. That's a shit load of time for me, especially since I've never met him. I like to go on different websites and talk to people it's one of the ways I make friends and one day we stumbled across each other.

He's so handsome. So ridiculously handsome. I kid you not. His face and voice just make me want to melt, and the fact that he's about a year and a half older than me helps as well.


I probably text him too much, but he's just so... Ugh. I probably out myself down in front of him too much, but I can't help it. I find him so freaking attractive that it's hard to believe he would like someone like me, y'know? Seriously. Lets just be real here for a moment.

I'm all:

And he's all:

Plus he confuses me. I think he likes me but then he goes and says that he can't be in a relationship because of college but then he flirts with me all of the time and UGH. Guys... I hate being a teenager. I'm just going to become Tree Trunks. Mhm.

January 23rd, 2014 at 11:50pm