
Dear Everyone,
I am writing to you from a far away place called reality! Only kidding. Anyway, let's get to business.
My name, if you didn't know, is obviously Victoria. Please, no autographs. Oh, I crack myself up. Anyway, I decided I needed to get everything off of my chest before I go absolutely insane.
Let's just list my annoyances:
1: When you say that you hate me, please know that I don't care. I may be cocky and have a lot of confidence but that does not mean that I don't have feelings. I really would just love it if we could talk out our differences and be civil about things before you go and announce to the whole school that you are going to kick my ass and blah, blah. But, just so you know, I am really sarcastic and arrogant.
2: I have a habit to ignore myself and focus on someone else's problems. I don't realize what I'm doing, but I do believe that it's the equivalent to being a mama bear.
3: I am a total sucker for the bad boys. BUT! I will be damned if I get played. I don't mean to sound like a slut but if you think that you can play me, honey, do know that while you're fucking someone else, I'm already moving on and doing the same damn thing. Wait! Correction, I'm not exactly having sex with them because that is gross and I don't just give it to anybody.
4: Ladies! Please know that when your boobs hang out of your shirt and you flaunt yourself around IT IS NOT APPEALING! Do you're going to find the one when you act like a slut? I will never understand.
5: I never thought choosing a college would be this freaking hard! I'm thinking about WSU or maybe Ball State but IT IS SOO FREAKING HARD!!
If you have any suggestions comments, please do message me. Hearing someone else rant about the same things is very soothing.
Love Ya! xx
January 24th, 2014 at 02:40am