Blog Entry #1: My life

Alright so right now im sitting on my couch watching "Mama" and im scared out of my mind! Mama just killed the dad while the dad was trying to shoot Victoria and Lilly. This movie is very sad and frighting. Now the girls are walking on all fours and they really need a hairbrush. Lol white girl moment anyway I shall be blogging about my life and events that I feel like I need to share with the media and all that jazz. So anyway, my full name is Maggie Corinne Martin and I enjoy eating traditional pizza. If you love BVB, then you got my fandom referance. My favorite things to do inside are listen to music, writing, looking on pinterest, and eating. Favorite outside things to do are walk, horseback ride, and pretend im in Narnia. Lol not really! My favorite foods include steack, mac and cheese, and basiclly anything. I love to daydream and escape from reality if im bored. I love all animals and yes even spiders. I don't believe in killing for fun but if you desperatly need it. I confess i love to paint my nails and get a massage but that doesn't mean im a girly girl. My favorite youtubers include Jenna Marbles, Superwoman, Shane Dawson, and Glitterforver17. Alrighty so Mama got to scary for me so i changed it to "Life of Pi" and i call the tiger tigger. Punny right? So im signing off the internet and commet what you want me to blog about next. Im thinking fifty random things about me. I doesn't know but oh well. Goodbye my sweet sapphires!
January 24th, 2014 at 04:39am