Blog entry #3: I doesn't know what to do know...

Alrighty right, im in keyboarding and have literaly nothing to do on the interent because our school sucks. They block pinterest and everything!! Ugh thank you very much Gary! And no your not Mr. Houston anymore, you bumbed down to Gary. Plus its like 3 degrees outside right now and I have to walk to band and back. Its to cold for America today and any other day. Even if it snows forty feet, our school still won't cancel school. We are literally the only school in west Tennessee that doesn't get out for snow days. Im bored out of my mind right now but thankfully our teacher has a good size ass. Ok sooooooo now im just typing random stuff because I can't think of a topic. OK here one, I believe that every scenerio has a song that goes along with it. Does everyone feel this way or am I just crazy? Oh oh! This is something I would like to share with the world wide web, I have a passion for scaring small children. I don't know why but it just brings me joy. Like one time, I believe it was halloween 2013 my step moms friends and their kids go on a hayride to trick or treat around the neighborhood. And we were on this old dirt road *plays country music* and the kids were like tell us a scary story! So I did and mind you I do this every year with my dad who dresses up like that monster that im talking about. So I told them the one about the werewolf living in the woods, and after i got finished with my story the kids wern't that scared. So naturally I screamed to bring the fear back, when all of a sudden they start crying. I felt soooo good, then I forgot about dad. I got the signal out, then here comes big bad wolf running towards the trailor! We scared the shit out of those kids! I felt like a champion! Well that was one of my many glorious moments in history. Im signing off now, goodbye now my sapphires! xoxo

Don't forget to comment because I love reading them!!!
January 24th, 2014 at 05:26pm