Why Are People Hating on Jared Padalecki?

Seriously though. The dude made a joke; a joke. Said joke didn't even originate from him, either. So why is he getting all this backlash?

In case some of you may not have heard, Justin Bieber was arrested, and Jared posted the following tweet:

Just saw the mugshot of @justinbieber. I gotta admit, she's kinda hot without all of her usual makeup on...

...and now the dude is in hot water not only from the "Beliebers", but from tons of others, as well.

I'd like someone to explain to me why Jared is getting bashed for what he said, but no one is saying a word about the fact that Ru Paul posted a picture of Justin wearing makeup and looking like a girl, or the fact that the twitter page for Orange is the New Black posted a tweet telling Justin there was an open bunk for him. Need I remind anyone that OITNB is about an ALL GIRL prison? No?

Yes, I am a Supernatural fan. Yes, I love Jared. And yes, I am not a fan of Justin. But I'm also a girl, and I know Jared's tweet was meant as a joke, and he didn't intend to insult femininity or anything like that. It's so silly how out of control people have gotten just because of one little tweet. Jared added on his two cents to a joke that was already made about Justin.

He was drag racing. Ru Paul interpreted that in his own way and posted that picture him. Jared saw the picture and called Justin a she. It's a joke; a joke that, like I said, didn't even start from Jared. Lighten up, guys!

Anyway, this is all my opinion. Share your thoughts if you'd like, but please, don't let it get too out of hand. We're all entitled to our own thoughts, but I really don't feel like getting into an argument with anyone because of this, okay?

January 24th, 2014 at 06:51pm