1/24/14, The 12 Questions Tag

Hello beauties! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad you did! This is my first entry and I'm so excited! Tuesday-Friday I will be blogging! Each week I'll be doing a different theme! This week's theme is Tags! To start off this blog I've decided to do the 12 Questions Tag! Enjoy!

1.) What do you order at Starbucks?
I switch between two drinks depending on the temperature. They
are the Shaken Sweet Iced Tea and the Double Chocolate Chip
Frappacino! :)
2.) What's one thing in your closet you can't live without?
I would have to say my jeans! I wear them practically everyday
So they are a must have in my closet!
3.) What's one thing most people don't know about you?
I find this question difficult to answer. I guess most people don't
Know that at this very moment I want to be an ultrasound
technician. <3
4.) What's one thing you want to do before you die?
The main thing I want to do before I die is go to Paris! I'm
obsessed with pictures and just really want to go there!
5.) What's one food you cannot live without?
The one food I cannot live without is definitely chips, chocolate,
or ice cream! I can't choose! I love all of them!
6.) What quote do you live by?
I love quotes! They are literally my favorite things ever! So, I don't
Have a favorite!
7.) What's your most listened to song on your music app?
My most listened to song is Talk Dirty To Me by Jason Derulo!
I love the music!
8.) What kind of style would you say you have?
I would say classy and crazy at the same time! I like to look nice
but I love to have fun with my outfits!
9.) What's your favorite number?
My favorite number is 16. I have no idea why, but, yeah!
10.) What are your top two hobbies?
My two hobbies are blogging and being on the internet! It's bad,
But it's who I am!
11.) What are two of your pet peeves?
The first one is when people are two up tight and can't have fun!
The other one is when people click theirs pens or pencils
12.) Guilty pleasures?
The big one is We Heart It and Pinterest! I'm obsessed with
those two websites! The second one is candy! Always gotta
have it!

That's it for now! Thank you so much again! I hope you decide stay awhile and hang out with me! In the comments section please answer the question of the week!

Question of the week: What are two of your pet peeves?
January 24th, 2014 at 08:26pm