Hey it's philosphy time.

Okay so you know those question thingies that people (myself included) like to reblog on tumblr asking followers to ask them one or more of the following questions? I had one on my dash and I was looking through the questions because I wanted to ask the person who reblogged it some stuff (no shit, sorry). One of the questions is "Do you believe in love at first sight" and for some reason I just ended up thinking about it to myself. It's something I've thought about before and I felt like my thoughts are worth putting out there tonight so... have some thoughts.

Personally, I don't believe in love at first sight at all. The kind of love everyone associates it with is that deep and passionate connection that you end up having with someone on the level of "soulmates" sort of thing, and I just can't wrap my head around the fact that a human being would ever have all of that figured out the second they just spotted somebody from across the room.

Falling in love with someone that deeply requires some sort of interaction. I'm not going to sit here and say "oh well, that takes time", because yes no shit it takes "time", but the amount of time completely depends on the persons involved. It can be anywhere from like, three hours to three years. Definitely not immediately. Immediately is just... no.

Here's the thing: Love at first "sight". You're seeing them. You're falling into this feeling about a person based on what you see. Love isn't about what you see on the outside, and there's nothing to see but the outside when all you've seen so far is the outside. It's a first impression. It's something to draw you to them.

I think people call it "Love" because "Lust" is too harsh a word, and "Physical Attraction" sounds too shallow, but that is exactly what all of this is. That isn't to say that "Love" can't come out of either, because it so can. I'm just saying that the process here can't begin with love. Depending on how strong the feelings are and if you actually take the initiative to get to know this person, and spend time around them, and everything clicks, lust and/or physical attraction can definitely lead to love. (I know, both sound the same, but they're not. Lust is sexual attraction, a desire to have sex with the person, and physical attraction would be just finding the person attractive for whatever outwardly reason, their face, their laugh, ect.)

And then don't forget the other feeling, "like". I think you can "like" someone almost instantly, like feel some sort of romantic inclination towards them, but not love. Hell, I once found I liked someone within maybe days of talking to them. Really, really like, too. Feelings can't really be controlled. Everything I just mentioned isn't directly love, but has the potential to become love. Just think of all of it like a Pokemon. It's going to be something small in the beginning, but if both parties stick long enough, it can eventually evolve and become something bigger.

there's your nerdy reference do you see why I'm single now

Anyway so yes. Love at first sight is basically impossible, logically speaking. Anyone got anything to add?
January 25th, 2014 at 04:52am