1/25/14, Confessions of Blogger

Hello beauties! Thanks so much for coming back! I'm so excited to say that I finally came up with my official posting schedule! I've decided on posting Monday-Friday and then sometimes Saturday depending on what's going on! As most of you know this week's theme is tags! Today I've decided to do a more fun tag ! It's called Confessions of a Blogger! Enjoy!

1.) How many hours a week do you spend blogging and reading blogs?
I would say about five-six hours. I write my blog each day and that takes me about an hour a day! I read blogs about ten minutes each day, so about six total hours a week!

2.) Are you a spender or a saver?
With the amount that I make, I usually split it in half! I'll save half and keep the other half for spending! I do admit, It was hard to start saving at first because I wanted to just spend it all! What girl doesn't!

3.) When is it easiest to blog?
Monday through Friday, it's easiest to blog right after school! I need a break from doing school work, so, it works perfectly! I also like to blog while listening to music! Of course!

4.) What makes talking through blogging comfortable for you?
I think that it's just nice to be myself with all of my subscribers and readers! I love helping people out and being able to be there for someone! Blogging is fun and I recommend it to anyone!

5.) What's your worst makeup habit?
My worst makeup habit is definitely not taking risk! That's my worst habit! I want to try something new or dark and I don't do it because I tell myself no! That's my bad habit!

6.) What's your worst hair habit?
That's easy! I touch it way too much! I must touch my hair at least a thousand times in my seven hours of school! I don't know why I touch it, but, I can't stop! That should be a New Years Resolution for me!

7.) How long do you spend getting ready everyday?
I would say anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour. It really depends on what I'm doing that day and how long I have to actually get ready. For school, I have one hour to be completely ready! On the weekends it varies on how I'm feeling!

8.) What are you favorite blog posts to read?
I would have to say tags! I think they are so fun to read! You can learn so much about the blogger and they are so interesting!

9.) Who is one You Tuber that deserves more viewers?
This one is hard because there are a lot of You Tubers that deserve more viewers! I would have to say overall xxmakeupiscoolxx! She was the first You Tuber I subscribed to so definitely her! She's amazing and has really inspired me to be the girl I am today! Thank you Katherine!

10.) What's one thing your excited about in this upcoming year?
I would have to say growing up! I hope to hang out a lot more with my friends and maybe even gain some new friends! (Maybe some of you?) I just really hope to keep being myself! Also I am excited about this blog! I hope it gets to be big! (With your help, it will!)

11.) What is your most awkward blogging moment?
I don't have one! I just started blogging! My most awkward moment was when I was in sixth grade! I had just started my first year of middle school! My best friend had on this pink shirt and I seen (what I thought was her) in front of me. So, I grabbed her shoulder and said her name. When the girl turned around it was an eighth grader. We both just stood there awkwardly and then I ran to my bus! Can someone say AWKWARD! I was so embarrassed!

12.) How long does it take you to prep a blog post?
I would say about a half an hour! I decide on what I'm going to post about and then I have to think of ideas of what to say! Sometimes I feel like I'm very awkward in these posts! Eh, who knows? So yeah!

13.) What are you most proud of so far in your life?
I would say that learning to play the violin was an accomplishment in my life that I am extremely proud of! Also, being on the honor roll all the years that it was possible! And last but not least, what I have created with my life! I'm so proud of it! I love my life!

Thanks for reading this tag! I might put up another tag later on this afternoon. I'm not 100% sure yet! If you have any ideas on themes for next week, please leave them in the comments below! I'd love to hear them! Also feel free to comment any question, sugesstions, or anything like that! If you'd like some advice or if you have a private question feel free to privately message me! Thanks everyone!

January 25th, 2014 at 10:15pm