Global Game Jam

So, exciting day for me (would be even more excited if I wasn't exhausted). If any of you know it the Global Game Jam is an event that professional and aspiring game designers look forward to. It is a great way to get yourself involved in game development and some pretty cool games end up coming out of it.

For example these games came out of previous GGJs:

Anyway, the event is set on the 24th of January every year. The objective if to sit down and jam out for 48 hours to create a game based off of a given them. For instance, last years theme was "the sound of a heartbeat" which spawned surgeon simulator (absolutely hilarious game - PLAY IT).

This year the theme was "we see things not as they are, but as we are." Vague as shit, I know, but that's what we had to work with.

Originally me and my friend were going to sit down and do our thing and hope to make something that we could both be proud of in the end. We got together at our college with all the other participants and awaited the theme - we were anxious as hell. Surprisingly, not even three minutes in we get seven people willing to join our team and work with us. We were surprised. Of course we accepted.

48 hours of hard work, a little bit a sweat and tears, and a lot of laughs and we produced the winning game for our college. We got a huge trophy, a license to Unity Pro (game dev software) so that we can actually produce the game and move forward with it and sell it, and got to laugh when everyone in the building was basically like "who the hell are those guys?"

It was awesome. You can find our game, and the other games (which were really good and I am somewhat surprised we won) on this site:

You'll likely have to search through the Savannah College of Art and Design submissions to find the game I worked on. It's called Visitant(s)

I am going to go pass out now x.x
January 27th, 2014 at 03:06am