The frustration is building

Does anyone else find that as soon as they start a story, they just immediately don't like it? Or am I way too critical of myself? I always read over my work and think 'Nobody is going to want to read this.' or something along similar lines.

I'm trying so hard to find a writing style that I am comfortable with but it's proving to be difficult. I always get these great ideas in my head but when I come to get it down in writing, I lack description; I'm just not that good at it.

So, I'm going to be slowing down with my updates so that I can take more time when writing, rather than just typing and going with whatever rolls from my fingertips. I'm going to spend more time thinking about the plot rather than just the chapter I am writing because it all just ends up messy, else. I really don't know what has happened because I used to be so good at this!

I am open to taking tips and pointers, so if anyone wants to help and mentor me, I would love it :) But if anyone does, can it be through email rather than just messages here? Because I won't always have time to log on everyday.
I want someone I can share my work with that can help me get to the point that I was once at, where I can write freely without thinking too much. If anyone has any free time and wants to help me out, that would be great!
January 27th, 2014 at 05:31pm