1/28/14, Tips on How To Become Best Friends With Someone

Hello beauties! Okay, so, yesterday I was supposed to post the first topic for this week's theme. Long story short I had some issues with my second ear lobe piercing and ended up not having time to post! I'm super sorry about that! Getting into today's blog...This week's theme is TIPS! I'm so excited to be helping you guys out with some questions you might have! To start off this week's blogs I decided to something a little bit fun, while still staying on my theme! Today's blog is going to be Tips on How to Become Best Friends with someone! The first six tips are for becoming best friends with someone that's already your friend. The next five tips are for someone you don't know!

1.) Because you already are friends with this person, you know some things about them! A fun way to become best friends with someone is to invite them over! This could be a sleepover or just a daytime thing! It depends on how comfortable you are with this person!
2.) While they are over at your house, or wherever you invited them, come up with games you can play to get to know each other! Maybe answer the questions to different tags! You could also just hang out and talk! Be silly! If you want to be best friends with this person you need to be comfortable around them!
3.) Exchange info! Give this person your number and have them give you theirs! You can then text and call each other to catch up on things!
4.) Make sure you give them some space! By now, you guys should be besties! I know some girls that wan t to hang out every single weekend! Don't do that! Every now and then you should hang out! If you are always together, you'll eventually get sick of each other! As crazy as it sounds, it can happen! It's okay to see each other a lot, but, not all the time! Give each other some space to breathe!
5.) Pick some of your favorite spots to hang out! Whether it's a restaurant or a park! Decide together on your favorite places and go there together! This may seem like a duh moment, but, it's fun to go places with your besties! One of my best friend's and I's favorite places to hang out is at each other's houses! It may sound stupid but our parents and siblings love us! Cool, right!
6.) Don't ever lie or be fake! Sometimes you may not want your best friend to know something about you or your family. Maybe your family is going through a rough patch or your not feeling the best. Explain to your best friend that you're not feeling your best and may need more time alone than usual. Otherwise, your best friend might think that you're mad at them when you're not! If at anytime you're annoyed or mad at your best friend, make sure you tell them what's wrong and maybe explain how you feel. This will make your friendship much stronger!

1.) If you are not friends with this person and you just met, the worst thing your could do would be to invite them over right away! Give it time! You can talk to them everyday and possibly exchange phone numbers, but, don't invite them over until you know more about them! Maybe you can play different kinds of games so you can get to know more about them!
2.) ASK QUESTIONS! Don't be afraid to ask them questions. Such as questions about school, family, friends, hobbies, etc.! This will help you get to know them more and it'll help them feel more comfortable with you!
3.) Finally invite them over! I recommend just for the day! You could play games, talk, play video games, etc.! I'm sure you'll find something you guys have in common!
4.) Finally you'll feel super happy in what you guys have accomplished together! You'll be able to tell them anything!
5.) INSTANT BESTIES! Having someone you can tell anything too is the greatest feeling in the world!

Thanks for reading today's blog! Again, I'm really sorry that I didn't post yesterday! Hopefully, you all understand! Please feel free to comment any suggestions, ideas, or anything else! Also you can send me private messages if you'd like some advice! I'd love to help you!

January 28th, 2014 at 05:39pm