1/29/14, Tips on How To Get Organized

Hello beauties! I hope everyone is having a good day! I know I am! This is our third snow day this week! As most of you know this week's theme is Tips! Today I decided to share some of my tips on how you can get organized! Below are five tips on how you can get organized! If you're not willing to spend a little bit money than, these tips probably won't be the best for you! Enjoy!

1.) Clean your room! This is literally the best way to find stuff you haven't seen in years and it's a good start to getting organized! Make piles on your floor of different categories! Such as: writing, clothes, junk, etc. This way you will have an easier time organizing your room! Whenever I clean my room (which is not often!) I like to switch stuff around! You can do this as well.
2.) Put everything back! Now put everything back! The best way to do this is to buy some plastic baskets to organize everything in! You can have different categories in each basket! In my room I have a writing basket, junk basket, and a purse basket! I love how my room looks when it's relevantly clean looking!
3.) If you own a lot of electronics (like me) it's best to keep those organized as well! I actually have a small bag with different pockets in it to organize all of my electronics in! I have cords in one pocket and chargers in another one! My phone charger is always sitting on one spot on the counter! This way I know where it's at and it's by a plug in! Another plus!
4.) I do think everyone has that one basket, area, or section of their room that's just for junk! Even I do! I have a drawer that's full of junk! I don't use this stuff barely at all, so I don't care where it's at! I don't recommend sticking your chargers or cords in there though! This could ruin them, and you don't want that!
5.) Keep it this way! It's okay if you want to move some stuff around, but, don't allow yourself to get everything unorganized again! This is what most people struggle with! I admit that my room can get pretty messy and sometimes I leave it that way! I do try my hardest to keep it clean though!

Thanks so much for reading! For those of you who struggle with this problem I hoped I helped somewhat! I am thinking about posting a fun blog later on today because I have nothing better to do! We'll see! I hope you all have an awesome rest of your day!

January 29th, 2014 at 07:49pm