I'm a Nail With No Hammer and A Screw With No Drill

I feel really weird right now so I'm gonna blog.

I honestly have no idea what's going on with me lately I've just felt out of place. Sort of like I have too much energy. I feel like I need to run or pace or do something other than sit. Maybe scribble or draw all over a big piece of paper. Do some sketching to make me stop feeling jittery. But at the same time I have no motivation nor the time to do any of it.

I feel like there's something's I've forgotten to do.

I want to listen to some screamy music to take the edge off. I want to blast it as loud as I cant and jump and dance and sing around my room. Learn how to scream. I don’t really know, I just don’t want to sit here.

I don’t think there's anything I've forgotten…

Am I allowed to go run down the streets and just yell? Yell like I'm angry, yell like I'm being killed, yell just to get this stupid fucking feeling to go away. I need to do something… but I have no clue what. (I also need to finish a paper, the biggest reason I haven't gotton up to do any of these things)
Screamy music it is… I can type while I listen.

I've been really easily angered lately, that hasn’t happened in awhile. The slightest thing ticks me off for no reason at all. I can't help it. And I don’t mean it at all. I even apologize for it when I notice it. I.. I just feel weird. I can't live like this anymore. I have to change something. Something major. A fresh start of sorts. Occupy my brain with other things. Maybe clean up the cluster fuck of a mind I have by organizing all of my stuff. I don’t know. But I can't just leave my head like this.

I need to be fixed, but I can't find the right tool to do so. I'm a nail with no hammer, a screw with no drill, and all I want to do is escape this hell.
January 29th, 2014 at 11:48pm