Things I can no longer live without

So this is my second year/ fourth semester in college and I decided I should make a list of things that I've come to not function without. These have no particular order, but I basically either use all of these things on a daily basis, or at least have come to realize how fucking important they are when the time comes for it.

1. Post it notes. Not only do I litter my books in post it notes, but when I need to remember to print something, I put them every where. I put them on my phone, my lap top, my steering wheel, my fridge, my bathroom mirror- EVERYWHERE. I haven't forgotten a paper in a really long time because of them!

2. Index cards. I almost never mad flash cards in high school. Getting through college without flash cards is like getting into Mordor: one does not simply. Seriously, flash cards are everything. I need index cards for everything- especially communications majors. Where else are you planning on putting that speech?

3. Pens. I cannot remember the last time I used a fucking pencil in college except on exams. Seriously, I use pens for everything. And any assignment in class that is hand written has to be done in pen. So pens. PENS GALORE.

4. The microwave aka the god of all food. If I can't microwave it, I don't need it.

5. Detangling shampoo. I don't fucking brush my hair. No one has time for that shit any more. I throw it up and I leave my house and I'm still late. So obviously I need detangling shampoo to fix the rats nest that I myself create. Seriously, it's starting to look like Shelob's lair on my head.

6. DISNEY MOVIES. If you don't watch them every day, you will in college. I don't know what the fuck makes college kids obsessed with Disney movies but I swear to god you'll watch them every day. You'll also feel the need to impulsively by the Diamond Edition Disney movies because fucking DIAMOND EDITION.

7. Totes. On days where I have multiple classes, I don't even try to carry my books in my hands. Do everyone else and yourself a favor and shove them in a giant tote bag so that no one has to watch you or actually stop to help you pick them up when you drop them in the middle of the food court while also trying to get your wallet to by chick fil a because you're starving yourself because too many classes

8. If you don't carry a tide to go pen everywhere with you in college, I'm going to assume you're jesus because I know about almost every single person in my class has one for those days on campus where you can't run home and change your shirt if you're a hungry ass bitch and you spill that chick fil a ranch on your shirt.

9. Emergen-c. Feel like you're getting sick? You probably are. So drink the liquid crack that heals. I don't care how nasty it tastes or how much it feels like you're inhaling chalk, emergen-c is the fucking savior we all need. Honestly, if you drink that shit at least once a week you will never get sick. It's like being superman.

10. Do yourself a favor and leave a jacket, an extra shirt and YES, a pair of underwear in your car at all times. I feel the need to stress how those three articles of clothe are so important, especially if you're a girl. (I shouldn't need to explain the underwear) I do not even go down the street without having a jacket and shirt in my car. Just let them stay there for emergency purposes.
February 3rd, 2014 at 10:33pm