Let's have a little get to know shall we?

So i know no one asked but I'm feeling self involved so I thought I'd do a get to know me post in case anyone was curious about random useless bits of information about me.

1. How old are you? 23, except inside I am forever 18.
2. What is your zodiac sign? Libra. We like balance, are terrible at making decisions without our emotions being involved and are able to see things from both perspectives whether we want to or not.
3. What is your favourite colour? All sorts of teal colours but especially this one.
4. Do you have any pets? A beautiful Labrador called Miles who features heavily on my instagram.
5. Where are you from? London, England.
6. How tall are you? 5"7.
7. What was your last dream about? I dreamt Miles was a Tortoise and I was desperately trying to find some lettuce for him to eat. Then I tried to feed him without him nipping my fingers with his beaky mouth...
8. What talents do you have? I am an excellent procrastinator. I mean I would say I'm truly outstanding!
9. Favourite song? Iris - Goo goo dolls.
10. Favourite movie? 10 Things I hate about you & Empire Records.
11. What type of music do you like? All sorts really but I'm always fond of seventies alt rock, folk and country.
12. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yes I went skinny dipping in Portsmouth and the water was so cold I thought my nipples were going to fall off.
13. Favourite clean word? Dude
14. Favourite swear word? F*** or S***
15. Do you have any scars? I have quite a few I collect them. I don't inflict them upon myself any more but I love it when a cut scars.
16. Are you a good liar? I am a TERRIBLE liar. I also believe heavily in karma so I don't like to be mean or unnecessarily dishonest because karma always gets me back instantaneously.
17. Are you a good judge of character? I would say no because I've been friends with some people who turned out to be terrible people.
18. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I do a mean Australian accent.
19. Do you have a strong accent? I don't think so. My accent isn't posh or particularly common either. I'm from the south east so in comparisons with other London accents it's almost an absence of an accent.
20. What is your favourite accent? Australian
21. Left or right handed? Ambidextrous
22. Are you scared of spiders? I am so scared of spiders that I have be known to give them whole rooms in the house if no one is there to get rid of them.
23. Are you a clean or messy person? I prefer the term organised chaotically.
24. Do you have much of an ego? No I have no ego at all. I suffer from a severe lack of self confidence.
25. Do you talk to yourself? I narrate my actions some times and then cover it up by pretending that I'm talking to the dog.
26. Do you sing to yourself? All the time.
27. Are you a good singer? I am actually (oh look there's that ego)
28. Are you a gossip? No I hate gossip. Someone else's life is none of my business unless they invite me to make it mine.
29. Favourite school subject? Drama
30. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert
31. Are you scared of the dark? I aint getting eaten by no Vashta nerada
32. What colour is your hair? Chestnut Brown
33. Do you like long or short hair? I have long hair that sits just bellow my waist so I like long hair.
34. What colour are your eyes? Deep Blue.
35. Do you keep a journal? I keep an art journal, though it's not very thick.
36. What makes you angry? Busy bodies. People poking their nose into my business and Cheese.
February 4th, 2014 at 07:08pm