This is What Annoys Me About My Family.

I moved away from the majority of my family five years ago. I went up and visited them three years ago and when I went to see my aunt, uncle, cousin and Pop it was so awkward. I figured my grandfather would be excited to see me but he wasn't, despite him telling me he missed me whenever we talked. Then my aunt and cousin accused my best friend of stealing. Like straight out accused her, not giving her a benefit of the doubt. Did they really think I would bring someone like that to their house? Besides that girl was more excited that I was back than they were!?

And don't even get me started on my father. I was home for about a week and I only saw him once and it was for like 40 minutes. I spent more time with my friends than my own family!

These are the people that claim they miss me but never pick up the phone to call or even talk to me on Facebook. But also make a big deal when I deleted then off my friends list when one of them reported back to my dad what I post on my Facebook! Like really? You claim you love and miss me but spy on me for my dad and never talk to me!? This is why I love my friends more than my family. My friends, internet or offline, have never stabbed me in the back and continue to claim they love me.

Ugh sorry I needed to rant.
February 4th, 2014 at 09:50pm