Concerns, Story, and Baby

I'm down to my core. I haven't been this emotionally exposed since I was a child. It's not necessarily a negative thing, however. It's nice for my husband and for the family to be able to see me without my walls or barriers up. But it also makes mildly abrasive comments or words seem very harsh and hurtful, which can make things rather emotional.

Past few days were what kind of broke my walls down and opened me up. Not that I liked the method, but it wasn't all too bad either.

What has me concerned is, with all the crying and shaking that I keep going left side is killing me. It starts around the mid upper ribs on the left cage to half way down my stomach.
With me being pregnant, I wonder if the stress hasn't contributed to this.
It could just be hunger pains, though.
Haven't been able to keep my appetite up for a few days and so I haven't hardly eaten at all.
I know, that isn't good for me or the baby.

Oh, I have a new story I'm working on. It's called Can You Hear Me?
I'm already working on the third chapter!
Good news, I'm making my chapters longer than I usually do. They used to be so skimpy! And with a decent story, you can't afford to leave out detail or info!
Bad news, updates may or may not be slower than usual. Not sure.

Tomorrow, if at all possible, I'm going to see my Baby Doctor / OBGYN Doc. We are under a weather advisory, mainly because of having six or seven inches of snow, and there's a risk of being fined if we're out on the roads.
However, my last appointment had to be rescheduled a few days and I didn't get to have my ultrasound done... They simply checked the heartbeat.
I'm extremely anxious and eager beyond words to know what the gender/sex of the baby is!
Not that either one will make it loved any less, but I still would like to know!

Hope everyone is doing well!
February 5th, 2014 at 08:42pm