Okay, update on the baby from today's appointment now that my cell is charged enough to. Haha.

First off, IT IS A GIRL!!!
Docs changed their prediction on the due date from June second to June 28th.
So, all the organs are there and growing normally. Her heart rate is good.
She started to suck her thumb while we were about half way through the ultrasound. Took a while, since she had her head by the cervix and wouldn't lift her head enough for the lady to scan for measurements (which she still didn't get). She's sure got the stubbornness of the Edwards clan!

Oh....prepare for cuteness.
So, when I talk to her...she doesn't move much. At the most, she will lay on my bladder.
When KENNY talks to her, she starts moving around and pushing against my stomach. When he puts his head or hand on my stomach, she sometimes pushes up against it while he talks.

I can't believe we are having a girl!!!
We have two ideas so far for first names. Erin or Dani (short for Daniella). Middle name, no matter what, will be Lee since that is my mother in law's middle name. :)

So excited!!!!
February 7th, 2014 at 12:40am