To All My Readers.

To anyone reading, Shepherd of Fire, Dizzy Little Dreamer, Like Glittery Wax Butterflies, and all others. All of them will be put on hiatus. I'm going through a little bit of personal issues. The stress of work, trying to move, and the not sleeping is causing me to shut down. My brain can't function enough to even work half the time, but I'm still pulling through. I'm also having a few problems with my mental state, which is understandable with the amount of stress I'm going through. I'm having more twitches, and more space outs. I'm really sorry to put these on Hiatus, as I really do enjoy writing for them. I will put a blog up when it's all a go. Please forgive me, but I would rather they turn out better than what they would be if I let my mind go and I'm really sorry.

I'm planning on starting a schedule after my move, when ever that might be. It'll probably be something like this:

Shepherd of Fire- Saturday's, most likely late night.
Dizzy Little Dreamer- Tuesdays, most likely late night.
Like Glittery Wax Butterflies- possibly might end it, as things are not going well with it.
Think Happy Thoughts- I'm thinking about either resuming this or uploading a new one I've worked on, which is featuring Mike Fielding. But that would be on Wednesday, any time.

Thank you for understand, and hopefully things will get better soon.
We can only hope for the best, right?

February 8th, 2014 at 03:24pm