In Medias Res, A/N 001#

A/N: I think you guys deserve an explanation.

Nothing herein will have a plot that spans past a single chapter. If you're a fan of Cordelia Kingsbridge's ficlets [who isn't?!] or the challenge fics on AFFO, then this is sort of those, except there's no definite basis, beyond what happens when my two OCs, Joshua and Sasha, clash. It's called in medias res because it's not the beginning [check out my FP story Counting Stars & Sheep for a vague impression of how they met] nor is it the end.

I'm accepting prompts or ideas for .. well, anything. Whatever you'd like to see happen between a nineteen-year-old ex-prostitute/gypsy/sex slave and a roguish weredaemon [sort of akin to your traditional werewolf; in any case, my own brand of lycanthropy]. I love being challenged to explore and grow in my writing, so anything and everything goes. Male pregnancy, kink, character death [I would cry writing that, omg], threesomes .. shit, even––gulp––heterosexual encounters.

Every chapter will be at least one thousand words long and will never fall beneath five hundred words. If you take the time to put in a detailed, thorough request, then I promise to take the time to write to the very desires of your soul, however twisted they may be. You can send your requests in via review or private messaging, and I ask that you be very clear with your prompt or challenge. I'm easily confused Dx.

This isn't to say that if no challenges and/or prompts are received that no updates will occur, because they most certainly will. Especially now, since I have a bunch of recovered documents from Joshua and Sasha's early days 8D'

Ready!? Okay, go!

EDIT: .. so, I forgot to mention that the chapters from here on out will probably be really .. uh, fluctuating. Because they're written at random and according to whatever my muse/mood was at the time [these are the recovered documents], I'll tweak them so they meet my standard word count and have at least some basic point to them; like, for instance, the next handful of chapters might/will be chronicling everything and anything from Sasha's highschool rendezvous, Sasha's first time having sex with Joshua, Sasha's first stalker, etc. Later on, there might even be some chapters written from Joshua's point of view [yes!?], likely in a scene where one of Sasha's classmates receives mixed signals from Sasha and comes onto him on his doorstep under the guise of a study date. Exciting, no?
February 9th, 2014 at 04:56am