In Medias Res, A/N 002#

A/N: Tragedy struck this week.

My mother either forgot the passcode to my tablet or my tablet sassyglitched and wouldn't recognize the passcode. After five million two hundred thousand six thousand blah blah blah attempts, we were locked out of the device altogether for twenty-four hours or so. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? And needless to say, this was a desperate time. And so .. we called upon desperate measures ..

.. otherwise known as my nerdy but techsavvy [isn't that the definition of a nerd, though?] older brother. He warned me that the resurrection of my baby would very likely entail an inevitable sweep of everything upon it, from photos to documents to apps and saved links. Since one of the bonus perks of owning both an iPhone and an iPad is its miracle software called photo stream, I shrugged the warning off, knowing that almost all of my important documents were stored on my Notes app and could be easily recovered.

Turns out, however, Chapter Four of In Medias Res was not, in fact, stored on my Notes app. I can only assume that I wrote it using an app called Writedown Lite that is only superior to the Notes app because it offers word count and reading time features, as well as a black versus white backdrop for the visually impaired [aka me].

I will never make that mistake again.

The original Chapter Four of In Medias Res was lost. A part of me wants to scream and cry, because I hate losing my writing to the abysmal vortex of .. of .. ugh, never mind. I'm so pissed that I can't think of an appropriately clever adjective –_–'

Sigh. Who knows, maybe it wasn't that much of a loss? I can't even remember exactly what the original document was about, beyond Sasha's first time with Joshua. It wasn't even smut, 'cause I got distracted by the idea of Sasha throwing a tantrum whenever Joshua tried pinning him against a wall and .. yeah. Plus I can't really be that upset, because I woke up this morning to another review and a possible request from Spcecse7?!

_insert embarrassingly feminine squeal here_

She? He? Anyway, they said that they'd like to see Sasha's reaction to what Joshua said to him at the end of Chapter Three. So you won't have to go back and read, I've graciously provided a recap below.

Sasha, regarding his relationship with Judas, Joshua's older brother:
"So why would you be jealous, then? I mean, if you know that I've .. that we've never .."

"Isn't it obvious? Because I want you all to myself."

Personally, I thought it was a really cliché and cheesy moment, but apparently some of my readers liked it? Joshua, by the way, Spcecse7, likes that you liked it. He says he was only teasing when he said it and yet .. (:

So! Coming up in the new version of Chapter Four is the response to Spcecse7's request, as promised. Beyond that, however, I'm sort of at a loss as to what to offer next. I have a bunch of stuff on my old phone that I mentioned in my last author's note, so it's not as if the problem is a lack of ideas, haha. I have drabbles in which Joshua impregnates Sasha .. Joshua explains his species to Sasha .. Sasha is bullied at school .. Joshua goes on a business trip, leaving Sasha all by his lonesome [might go hand in hand with Sasha being bullied at school, yes?!] .. Sasha finds a kitten and begs to keep it [Joshua's allergic to cats] .. Sasha's history is explained, as well as Joshua's .. Joshua cheats on Sasha with an old friend ..

And omg, Rehan and Leviticus drabbles!

Ahurr, but none of my readers know who Rehan and Leviticus are. I'll have to remedy that in the next few chapters, won't I? As an appetizer, I'll give you guys this much:

Rehan is the alpha – leader – of the Delaney bloodline. He's also Joshua's father. Personalitywise, he's stubborn and prideful, opinionated and hot-tempered. Never mind that the latter adjective is any and every Delaney's standard modus operandi – Rehan tends to take it to a new extreme. Out of all the alphas, he's inarguably the most headstrong, and among the most physically fit weredaemons out there, he's made quite the reputation for himself as the reigning champion. As an alpha, Rehan's history is also impressive, for he singlehandedly created and refined the Delaney bloodline to what it is today: a dynasty of mean motherfuckers.

The Delaney bloodline dates back to when all weredaemons were apart of the same pack, living together as one. In those days, they were entirely different creatures from today's generation – they were the very definition of omega, used by the others as pathetic chewtoys and unfortunate scapegoats. When frustrations were high in the pack, they would expose themselves willingly to vicious exhibitions of wrath and anger, in the often vain hope that the abuse would help relieve some of the tension in the air. And when the spoils of the hunt was brought back to the main territory, the Delaney were almost always bullied out of their portions, left in peace to gnaw only on the scant leftovers. The stronger weredaemons dismissed this treatment as inevitable and worth little note and eventually, things reached a point where some sort of change was vital, for the Delaney were not expendable. Made victims of starvation, violence and injustice, their numbers were dwindling fast, until only a dozen of them remained.

Rehan's father, Quinn, was the one who stepped up to say that enough was enough. He took what remained of his family and retreated underground, carving in the shadows a place for them to reside .. a place that would be their home for almost a century.

When they emerged, Rehan was alpha and the numbers of his family had swelled to the hundreds, possibly exceeding even that. The Delaney bloodline comprised tall, dark-haired individuals with olive-hued skin and golden eyes that were as bright as the sun, burnished with a feral confidence. Vigorous exercise and a plentiful diet had refined them into strong and capable creatures, impossibly athletic and dextrous; their every motion saturated in barely restrained power, sleek muscles playing just beneath dark skin as from behind unruly strands of ebon, bullion hues burned passionate and victorious.

Every Delaney, both young and old, credit their existence to Rehan, the son of Quinn and alpha of the bloodlineage.

.. Wow, that got out of hand. Oh, shut up, Levi. I haven't forgotten about you .'

Or maybe I have? Levi's biography will be present in the next author's note (; Stay tuned 'til then.
February 9th, 2014 at 04:57am