
hey everyone! so this is a blog I originally started on my tumblr but decided to move onto here, It'll be a weekly feel good 101 blog as one of my favorite youtubers call it.
If any of you ever have questions or topics you'd like me to discuss just leave a comment or private message me and i'll be sure to write back as soon as I can
Here it is!

"You are the only you God made….God made you and broke the mold."

-Max Lucado

Hi, for those of you who see this I’m here to talk about your self-image and how you feel about yourself.

Bare in mind I am NOT a licensed professional but for years I’ve dealt with my own issues about how I look, how I felt about myself and how I felt others thought about me.

I guess the best way to start helping is to share my own experiences with you all a bit.

Growing up I never really felt like I fit in with everyone. Those of you who know me probably know me as the goofy, happy friend stereotype kinda like Naruto or Sora and I’m good at making others laugh and have fun.

Most of the time.

But growing up I never really felt good about myself, hell there are still days I don’t.

I would be self-conscious about my looks: Do I look ok? did I gain weight again? does it show? am I fat? my hair is to curly its ugly, my teeth are crooked I don’t want to smile because I don’t want them to see my teeth. I’m not tall enough.

When I was younger I developed a narcissistic behavior of exaggerating how good I look and how sexy I was and shared it with anyone willing to listen.

Really, I was doing it because for the longest time I thought if I said it enough times i’ll believe it.

But now that I’m older and feel a bit better about myself I want to help those of you who still feel like that.

You. Are. Beautiful.

I’ve never even met you or seen your face and I know you’re a beautiful person.

It doesn’t matter how you look, how much you weigh, whether you’re tall or short.

God made only one of you and my EMT professor told my class something that I found to be very worthwhile that I’m going to share.

There’s over millions of people in the entire world yet everyone has different bodies and different things they can do or their body is like. Not any of you are the same but all different. So the lost of any of you is a big loss because their will never be another with your body characteristics.

Even celebrities have self-image issues about themselves but we put them on a pedestal and think if we look like them we’ll feel so much better about ourselves.

"I used to be self-conscious about my height, but then I thought, fuck that I’m Harry Potter"

-Daniel Radcliffe.

Only you can make yourself feel better about yourself. Sure your friends can tell you how beautiful you are everyday but it wont matter if you don’t believe it.

So please; after reading this look into your mirror, think of how old you are and tell yourself I’m Beautiful. I’m Important. There is never going to be someone else like me in this world. I matter<3.

And I want you to say this until you repeated it to the number of your age.

I hope this helped at least one of you. If it did or if you have any other questions or concerns you’d like me to cover please subscribe and or send me a message about what you’d like me to talk about and i’ll go over it in next weeks blog.

And remember:

You. Are. Beautiful.

Inside and Out

Sincerely, Irrevocably and Incandescently Yours,

February 10th, 2014 at 09:54am