Basic meditating

In a quiet room, sit comfortably. Most people are put off meditation because they think they need to sit in an uncomfortable position to progress this is not so, but whist your learning this is probably the best way to go about it.
If possible keep a straight back, this can be achieved by either sitting cross-legged (or straight legged) on the floor with your back supported by the wall or end of the bed or even by sitting in a supportive chair.

Don’t be afraid to have cushions or pillows to sit on and to support your back, knees and ankles if you need them.When you are properly supported less attention will be paid to an aching limb or back and the easier it will be to have a deeper and more pleasurable meditation.

When you are sitting comfortably take a few deep and slow breaths, each time you exhale notice how you are starting to become more relaxed.

Gently close your eyes and gradually become aware of your breathing, it is best to start to breath from your abdomen rather than just your chest as this will allow you to breath more deeply. Don’t worry if you find yourself forgetting at first it will take a little practice to get used to breathing this way, If you find it too distracting then once you have become confident with Breath meditation you can go back and correct your breathing, But try the correct way first.

As you become aware of the gentle rise and fall of your abdomen start taking a longer breath and begin counting slowly to yourself
1 2 3 4 as you inhale through your nose.

Hold this breath for another count of four then slowly exhale for another count of four.

Make sure you fully exhale and gently pull in your abdomen at the end of this count. This will help to naturally give the space to breathe in for the next count of four.
Try to find a gentle rhythm that is comfortable and not a strain to maintain. You can rest the palm of your hand across your abdomen to prevent shallow upper chest breathing. This helps to get oxygen more deeply into your body, which brings more benefits and more relaxation.

Don’t hold the breath with empty lungs.

Repeat this count of four for 5-10 minutes breathing in to count 1 2 3 4 - hold for 1 2 3 4 and exhale for 1 2 3 4 - keeping your attention focused on your breathing with relaxed awareness.

Starting with 5 minutes might seem a long time, this is quite natural. Meditation is a skill and like any skill it requires practice.

There will be good days and not quite as good days frustrations and joys.
Be persistent.
Keep Practicing.

The foundations are being laid and as you practice, and progress, your breath meditation will become easier and feel more natural you will also find your periods of relaxation will increase.

It is Inevitable that you will find stray thoughts popping into your mind but don’t be disappointed you have not Failed. Just bring your attention back to your breathing. You are gently training your mind to be more under your conscious control and this is just the beginning.

Once you become more at ease with your breath meditation you can imagine that your stray thoughts, are being put onto a white board.You can thank your mind for bringing them to your attention, but it is time for your meditation. So ask it to bring them to your attention again later, and mentally wipe the board clean. You keep doing that gently without getting mad at yourself/ brain for interrupting you until you have trained your brain, that when it comes to meditation time your not available to casual thoughts.

If possible try to practice your Breath Meditation at least 2- 3 times a week, as that’s the quickest way for it to become a habit for your body. also once you have managed to comfortably meditate for the 5 minutes try for ten minutes then 15 minutes
But only when your ready to increase the time, If you find you don’t have enough time through the hectic week to increase the time to 15 minutes in one sitting you can always split the time up into smaller pockets But try to not do less than the five minutes to begin with as it will only take you longer to get into the routine of doing your Breath Meditation.

If after you have completed your meditation you are left feeling a little spaced out then get a snack to eat this will help ground you again.

Well Done , you’re meditating : ))
February 10th, 2014 at 09:06pm