Herb to magic correspondence

Agrimony- protection and sleep
Alfalfa Leaf- prosperity, anti-hunger and money
Allspice- money, luck and healing
Aloe Vera- protection and luck
Althea Root- protection and psychic powers
Angelica Root- exorcism, protection, healing and visions
Anise Seed- protection, purification, and youth
Anise, Star- psychic powers and luck
Arrowroot Powder- used as a base for all magic powders
Asafetida Powder- banishing, purification, and protection
Astragalus- protection and energy
Balm of Gilead- love, protection, and healing
Barberry Root- cleansing, anti-hex, and protection
Basil- love, exorcism, wealth, flying, and protection
Bayberry Root Bark- good fortune, luck, healing, and stress relief
Bay Leaf- protection, psychic powers, healing, purification
Benzoin- purification and prosperity
Blackberry Leaf- healing, money, and protection
Black Cohosh- love, courage, protection, and potency
Black Pepper- banish negativity, wards off bad vibrations and protection
Black Salt- hexing, banishing, and keep away evil spirits
Black Tea- riches, courage, strength
Bladderwrack (kelp)- protection, sea spells, wind spells, money, and psychic powers
Blessed Thistle- purification, hex breaking, and protection
Bloodroot- love, protection, and purification
Blue Cohosh- empowerment, purification, money draw, love breaking, and driving away evil
Blue Vervain- love, protection, purification, peace, money, youth, chastity, sleep and healing
Blue Violet Leaf- love, inspiration, and good fortune
Borage Leaf- courage and psychic powers
Buckthorn Bark- elf magic and legal matters
Burdock Root- protection and healing
Calamus Root- luck, healing, money, and protection
Calendula Petals- protection, prophetic dreams, legal matters, psychic powers
Caraway Seed- protection, lust, health, anti-theft, and mental powers
Cardamom- love and lust
Cascara Sagrada- legal matters, money, and protection
Catnip- cat magic, love, beauty and happiness
Cedar- healing, purification, protection, and money
Centuary Herb- snake removing
Chamomile Flowers- money, sleep, hex-breaking
Chaste Tree Berries- purity, protection of home, chastity
Chia Seed- used to stop gossip and back-biting
Chickweed- fertility and love
Chicory Root- removing obstacles, invisibility, favors, and frugality
Chives- protection, weight loss
Cinnamon- spirituality, success, healing, psychic powers, lust, protection, love
Cinquefoil- all purpose magic herb
Clove Powder- protection, exorcism, love and money
Coltsfoot- love and visions
Comfrey Powder- safety during travel, money
Copal Resin- love, purification
Corn Silk- stimulates power flow, fertility, animal friendship, harvest
Cumin- protection, fidelity, exorcism, anti-theft
Damiana Leaf- love, lust, visions
Dandelion Leaf and Root- divination, wishes, calling spirits
Deerstongue- lust, psychic powers
Dill Seed- protection, money, lust, and love
Dragon’s Blood- protection, sea spells, wind spells, money and psychic powers
Echinacea- strengthening spells
Elecampane Root- love, protection, psychic powers
Elder Berries- exorcism, protection, healing, prosperity, sleep
Eucalyptus Leaves- healing and protection
Eyebright- mental and psychic powers
Fennel Seed- protection, healing, purification
Fenugreek Seed- money and fertility
Feverfew- protection, love
Flax Seed- money, protection, beauty, psychic powers, healing
Frankincense Resin- protection, exorcism, spirituality
Garlic- protection, healing, exorcism, lust, and anti-theft
Gentian Root- love, power
Ginger Root- love, money, success, power
Ginseng- love, wishes, healing, beauty, protection, lust
Gum Arabic- protection, psychic powers
Hawthorne Berry- fertility, chastity, fishing magic, happiness
Hibiscus Flowers- lust, love, divination
High John the Conqueror- money, love, success, happiness
Holy (Blessed) Thistle- purification, hex-breaking
Honeysuckle Flowers- money, psychic powers, protection
Hops- healing, sleep
Horehound- protection, mental powers, exorcism, healing
Horse Chestnuts- money, healing
Hyssop- purification, protection
Irish Moss- money, luck, protection
Jasmine Flowers- love, money, prophetic dreams
Juniper- protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism, health
Kelp- healing, protection, travel protection, psychic powers, business success, sea/wind/water magic
Lady’s Mantle- love
Lavender Flowers- love, protection, sleep, chastity, longevity, purification, happiness, peace
Lemon Balm- love, success, and healing
Lemon Grass- repel snakes, lust, psychic powers
Lemon Peel- longevity, purification, love, friendship
Lemon Verbana- purification, love
Licorice Root- lust, love, fidelity
Linden Flowers- protection, immortality, luck, love, sleep
Lobelia- halts storms, love
Lovage- love
Mace- psychic and mental powers
Mandrake- protection, fertility, money, love and health
Marjoram- protection, love, happiness, health, money
Meadowsweet- love, divination, peace, happiness
Milk Thistle- strength, wisdom
Mistletoe Leaf- protection, love, hunting, fertility, health
Motherwort- success, confidence
Mugwort- strength, protection, healing, astral travel
Mullein- courage, protection, health, love, divination, exorcism
Mustard Seed- courage, faith, endurance
Myrrh Gum- protection, exorcism, healing, spirituality
Nettle Leaf- exorcism, protection, healing, lust
Nutmeg- luck, money, health, and fidelity
Oak Moss- money drawing
Olive Leaf- healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust
Onion Flakes- prosperity, stability, endurance, protection
Orange Peel- love, divination, luck, money
Orris Root- love, protection, divination
Osha Root- protection
Passion Flower- peace, sleep, friendships
Patchouli- money, fertility, lust
Pennyroyal- strength, protection, peace
Peppermint- purification, sleep, love, healing, and psychic powers
Pine- healing, protection, exorcism, money
Pinon Resin- cleansing, strength
Plantain Leaf- healing, strength, protection
Poppy Seed- fertility, love, sleep, money, luck
Raspberry Leaf- protection, love
Red Clover- protection, money, love, fidelity, exorcism, success
Red Rose Buds- love, love divination, healing, luck, protection
Red Sandalwood- love
Rose Hips- luck, love
Rosemary Leaf- protection, love, lust, exorcism, healing, sleep
Rue- healing, health, mental powers, freedom and protection from the evil eye
Saffron- love, healing, happiness, wind raising, lust, strength, psychic powers
St. Johns Wort- health, protection, strength, love divination, happiness
Sandalwood- protection, wishes, healing, exorcism, spirituality, power, success
Sarsaparilla- love, money
Sassafras- money, health
Scullcap- love, fidelity, peace
Sea Salt- purification, consecration, grounding, protection
Sesame- money, lust
Spearmint- healing, love, mental powers
Strawberry Leaves- success, good fortune, luck
Sulfur- dispels or prevents hexes, curses
Sweet Grass- positive energy
Tansy- health, longevity
Thyme- health, healing, sleep, psychic powers, love, purification, courage
Tonka Beans- love, money, courage, wishes
Tumeric- purification
Valerian Root- protection, sleep, love
White Oak Bark- protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck
White Sage- purification
Willow Bark- protection
Witch Hazel- chastity, protection
Wintergreen- protection, healing, hex-breaking
Wood Betony- protection, purification, love
Wormwood- protection, love, psychic powers
Yarrow Flowers- courage, love, psychic powers, exorcism
Yellowdock Root- healing, fertility, money
Yerba Mate- fidelity, love, lust
Yerba Santa- beauty, healing, psychic powers, protection
February 10th, 2014 at 09:18pm