Moon Magic

You will want to do a couple of things to get yourself grounded into the subject the first is to meditate you will want to ask for guidance and to see if a deity is trying to get your attention or if your just being drawn to the Elements you might also carry a couple of gems on you to hold and meditate with I have chosen the more readily available ones although there are others the higher the stars the more I recommend it but it will be your choice as your working with them but try to include at least one with a protective element to it as well.

Aquamarine element water*** :- Courage, Communication, Accelerates reasoning, Enhances connection to Higher Self.
Calcite blue**** :- psychic ability and aids in dream recall.
Fluorite****: - Elements Air and Water:- Heightens mental acumen,Clears communications
Heightens intuition,Assists in meditation,Offers new awareness, Brings order to chaos,Protects from psychic manipulation.
Hematite*****:-Elements Earth, Water:- Mental attunement, Clarity, Focus,
Memory enhancement, Strength, Grounding,Calm reasoning, Protection.
Labradorite****:- Element Water :- Magick, Self-discovery, Intuition, Insight,
Clarity of perception, Ancient wisdom, Transformation,Knowledge,
Discovery, Courage,Protection.
Moonstone***** :- Element Water :-Lunar energy. Intuition,Receptiveness, Balancing, New beginnings, Lucid dreams,Enhances psychic ability.

Secondly I’m afraid you will have to hit the books and start studying, you will want to learn all you can about the moon its phases how they effect the earth and the seas as well as how they are incorporated into magic.

Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living by Dorothy Morrison

Praise to the Moon: Magic & Myth of the Lunar Cycle by Elen Hawke

Moon Magick: Myth & Magic, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells by D.J. Conway
Earth, Air, Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham

Elemental Witch: Fire, Air, Water, Earth; Discover Your Natural Affinity by Tammy Sullivan

Elemental Magick by D.J. Conway
February 10th, 2014 at 09:21pm