
Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners by Joan Bunning

As with any good beginner book, it will cover things such as card meanings, spreads, and ways to practice with and cleaning/ card care.
When buying Tarot Cards, Take your Time. Do not be rushed into buying the newest or the brightest coloured ones Unless they are what you are truly drawn to, try to get the feel of them a lot of shops have sample decks open you can have a closer look at even handle in some cases, look at the art work and their size ( you have to be able to handle them comfortably after all. ) Do they call to something inside of you? are you drawn back to them over and over again?, or do you just somehow know these are the ones for you? trust your instincts.

Once you have bought them you will need to treat them with care and protect them, Learn about them, Cleanse, Dedicate and Energise them to your own Psychic vibrations. you can be energising them whilst you start learning about them most Tarot card decks come with a small specialised booklet to help you get started but you will also wish to learn more about cards and spreads in depth so you will need at least a couple of books you may find these helpful.


Easy Tarot: Learn to Read the Cards Once and for All! by Josephine Ellershaw

A Complete Guide to the Tarot by Eden Gray

Tarot Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis

The Tarot Bible: The Definitive Guide to the Cards and Spreads by Sarah Bartlett

How to Protect your cards:-

Cleanse your cards

Dedicate your cards.

Wrap the cards in a silk scarf.

Keep your cards in a small wooden box or Put the cards in a cloth bag with a drawstring, Also keep them in their Bag or Box when Not it Use.

Don’t allow others to Casually play with them once they are Cleansed, Dedicated and Energised.

How to Cleanse your cards:-

Even brand new cards will pick up the vibrations of the shop they were kept in so a quick smudging with sage of each card is the quickest way. This is especially important if you have inherited the cards. in fact I would smudge, re-energize and re-dedicate at least once a year. sooner if they seem to stop working for some reason as they may have energies working against them.

How to Dedicate your cards:-

If you have Deities inset names if not just say and think the following whilst holding the deck Imagine a bright white light entering and surrounding your deck. Dedicating your cards adds another layer of protection and connection to them but It is up to the individual to do or not.

Oh (insert deity) Universe of Light and Power

Protect both myself and my tarot cards when I use them

Let your loving energy flow within me

So that I may see what is true within the hidden things

Of both future and past.

As I Will It, So Must it Be.

How to Energise your cards:-

you can start by handling your new cards shuffling them several times every time you pick them up as a deck and then holding each one in turn whilst you read about it and learn about it. Place your pack in a protective cloth (I use a purple silk squire but a simple silk scarf or draw bag will service) then place the pack under your pillow and sleep on them every night for a month. Each day take a card out and learn about it meditate on it. So people find splitting the Arcana’s and memorising the Major Arcana cards and relying on the book to remind them of the Minor Arcana an easier way of learning a large amount of cards and their meanings.

Readings :-

there are 2 main kinds of readings, Questions and Open Thought, most people start with the Question readings, Remember to keep your questions very simple to begin with and start with a simple 3 or 4 card reading. Once you are comfortable with those and Proficient enough proceed with more cards and different spreads.

Don’t rush your reading your wanting to listen to your Intuition as well as the information you get from the cards basic meanings. It is a learning process so don’t expect to be 100% accurate from the start Unless your Very Gifted.

Once you become truly proficient at tuning in to your Tarot cards you will find you need them less and less as with All forms of Divination they only act as a Focal point whilst your mind is being trained to be able to pick up what your needing to know.
February 10th, 2014 at 09:23pm