Help with depression

I have to be honest and say I will not encourage you to go down the spell route on this as too many things can go wrong, also ill heath can be part of a life lesson which you can’t learn if you spell it away.
(Please Note I said *Can Be ! * I am in No Way saying All illness should not be treated because it could be part of a life lesson.!!)

There are other things to try first even before you start on the herbal remedy’s.
Firstly I’m going to suggest that if you have been having this problem for more than two months that you go and mention it to a Dr, there are a number of reasons someone can be feeling depressed, anything from a food allergy, alcohol, drugs both prescription and illegal, a hormonal or a chemical imbalance, to seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D ) which can be experienced almost any time of the year
( yes you can even get it in the summer).

Lets start with a few common basics I know it will seem a lot But they are things you should Already be doing. so start with an Aura cleansing bath just to make sure no nasties have attached themselves to your aura and are draining you that way. daily please for a week. (see F.A.Q’s section for the how to’s for the Aura Cleansing and the meditation 101 and the basic psychic protection)
Meditation if you don’t already has been proven to help with mild cases of depression and is a great skill to have not only for improving your health in general but for any kind of metaphysical and energy workings and can also allow you to check your aura is not compromised.

I would like you to try a colour Meditation which is slightly different from the meditation in our F.A.Q’s as the colour meditation will add a healing element to help boost your spirits

Color Meditation:-

Color meditation is a form of meditation or visualization, in which you imagine yourself being filled with coloured lights . It can be practiced in bed before going to sleep, or when waking in the morning or when seated.

1. Find somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down and relax.

2. Keep your breathing deep, regular, and calm. Breath in for a count of five then slowly breath out for a count of five -then a count five before breathing in again.

3. Once relaxed and breathing deeply and slowly. Imagine the yourself engulfed by a white light coming from the stars that enters through your head right down to your toes Imagine your full of this light and it surrounds you also. Keep this image in your mind for two minutes.

4. Let the white light fade to be replaced by different shades of Blue light. visualized the shades of Blue lights, coming down from the sky and entering through the top of the head, then moving down inside of your body to your toes. let it surrounded you from the inside and out side of your body.
Do this for four minutes as you breath slowly in and out.

5. Once your four minutes of the blue colors is finished, I want you to visualize yourself surrounded by the bright white light again, see it moving into your body as you breath in so that you become the white light, then still breathing slowly I want you to do this for a further two minutes.

Then slowly open your eyes and breath normally. you will feel yourself as more relaxed, even tempered and of lighter mood.
if you wish to you can increase the amount of times you do this meditation as you feel it is necessary, I would start with doing it twice a day and see how you get on with it.

Psychic protection, Everyone should know how and use it in their daily life not only for metaphysical and energy workings- including tarot card readings.

I would also like you to either wear or carry in your pocket some or all of the following gems

Malacite:-Clears path for transformation.
Helps relinquish fears,Clarifies emotions.
Peace and harmony.Stabilization.

Carnelian :-Banishes sorrow and depression. Repels negativity.

Rose Quartz:- Balances emotions, Unconditional love, Calming and soothing, Brings peace and harmony, Boosts- self- love,and self-esteem and self-Confidence.

Smoky Quartz :-Mental clarity, Uplifting, Filtering and clearing, Transforms negative emotion to positive energy, Assists in achieving goals.

Sunstone:- helpful with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), depression, emotional heartache, anxiety, and stress, along with regulating the nervous system.

Obsidian:- dissolve blockages and banish stagnation of any kind, elevates stress, depression or grief, and can generally bring clarity to the cause of a disease while working to dismantle it.

There are over the counter herbal remedies to help with depression but just because they are “Natural” does Not mean they can not be harmful and should only be used as a Last Resort.

St Johns Wort can have beneficial effects on relieving depressed feelings.

**** WARNING- Make Sure you check the dosage and if it may interfere with any other medications you may be taking First.
If in doubt ask a trained Pharmacist or Herbalist****.
February 10th, 2014 at 09:32pm