Vata life stuff

Vata - 22
Stay away from cold and dry foods, beans, red meats
and prefer well cooked vegetables, cheese and milk,
wheat bread, banana, soy beans. Click here for some
suggested recipes
Routine is very useful for the Vata individual.
It helps to ground their propensity to be moving all
the time.
Favor smaller meals made of foods that are easy to digest.
Regulate the amount raw vegetables and fruit taken.
Prefer lighter, warm foods. Click here for some
suggested recipes.

Pause a fast paced life by getting a massage or
taking a swim, read a book.

What aggravates Vata:
irregular routine, staying up late, irregular
meals, cold, dry weather, excessive mental work,
too much bitter, astringent or pungent food,
traveling, injury

When out of balance:
Restless, unsettled, light interrupted sleep
tendency to over- exert, fatigued, constipated,
anxious, worried, underweight

When in balance:
Vibrant, lively, enthusiastic, clear and alert
mind, flexible,exhilarated, imaginative,
sensitive, talkative, quick to respond
February 10th, 2014 at 09:38pm