Do You Plan?

When it comes to stories, I plan am planning obsessed. I plan my stories right down to the last detail. And I don't just mean planning characters and their back stories. I mean planning every single scene of every single chapter, from what they'll say at their dinner meeting to the food they'll eat there.

Some people write their stories without any planning at all. They may know their characters names and some details about them, but they don't plan anything major and often don't even know the ending to their story. They write everything by the seat of their pants, giving them the nickname "pantsers".

Other people have a vague idea of where they're going. They might even know the exact ending and a few scenes in between, but they connect those things on the fly with whatever feels good in the moment.

I think there are benefits to each style, but after years of writing, I've discovered that detailed planning is what works best for me, though it may not work for everyone. What kind of planner are you??

Side note: my messages still aren't working very well. Bah hum bug.
February 11th, 2014 at 04:02am