2/14/14, 60 Things I Love

Hello beauties! I'm really sorry about not posting at all yesterday! I've been really busy and haven't been able to keep up with my posting schedule! I'm decided to change my posting schedule up a bit! My new schedule is going to be any three days out of the seven day week! Some days I'm way to busy to post at all! This new schedule will allow me to have those busy days! Beings that today is Valentine's Day, I wanted to do something about it! I decided to do 60 Things I Love and why I love them! Enjoy!

1.) My Dad- He is my dad so of course I love him!
2.) My mom- She's my mom so of course I love her!
3.) My Younger Sister- Even though she's annoying, I love her to
4.) My best friends- I love my best friends, I don't know what I'd do
without them! They're the best!
5.) My Family- I've always been really close to my family!
6.) The Internet- Without the internet I wouldn't be blogging right
7.) Tumblr- Who doesn't love Tumblr pictures? #Obsession
8.) YouTube- I spend a lot of my time on YouTube!
9.) Our2ndLife- These boys make me laugh so hard and they've
changed my life this past year and a half! #Wedoooo
10.) One Direction- I don't really talk about how much One Direction has helped me, but, I don't how to explain to someone how much a boy band has helped me!
11.) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups- These are literally perfection!
12.) My Phone- I'm a typical teen!
13.) Music- I don't go a day without listening to music! My Life!
14.) Makeup- Again, I'm a typical teen girl!
15.) Summer- I live for the summer time!
16.) Pinterest- I'm always on Pinterest! Another obsession!
17.) Writing/Blogging- I love to write and blog! You guys should
18.) Sleepovers/Parties- Who doesn't love spending time with
family and friends! #Can'twaituntilsweet16
19.) My Violin- I can't explain my love for this instrument!
20.) Shopping- Typical Teen Girl!
21.) Reading- I do love to read more than normal!
22.) My Hair- I touch my hair WAY more than needed!
23.) Clothes- I love clothes! Especially new ones!
24.) Spanish- I love Spanish! I'm in my second year of it!
25.) Fuzzy Socks/PJ Pants- I love fuzzy clothing!
26.) Being Weird- Normal is boring!
27.) Dress Boots-I get a pair every year for school!
28.) Subway- My favorite restaurant!
29.) Arizona Tea- My favorite drink!
30.) Dr. Pepper- Second Favorite drink!
31.) The Fosters- My favorite TV Show! ON ABC Family!
32.) Honey Mustard Sauce- I don't know why I love this so much!
33.) Chicken- I always order some kind of chicken thing wherever
I am eating out!
34.) Jewelry- Over the summer I made my own earrings!
35.) Starbucks- My favorite coffee shop!
36.) Coffee/Tea- LOVE!
37.) Going to the Movies- I love movie trips! The best!
38.) Quotes- I just love em'!
39.) Audrey Hepburn- I just love her!
40.) Cheesecake- My favorite dessert!
41.) Chocolate- Guilty Pleasure!
42.) Extreme Pickle Pringles- I have a serious love for these!
43.) Candy- No need for explanation!
44.) Boys with Blue Eyes- So Gorgeous!
45.) Bethany Mota- So inspirational!
46.) Ear Piercings- Love them and have them!
47.) Dancing- Cray-cray!
48.) Lazy Days- Spend them in PJ's on Tumblr!
49.) Falling asleep to Music- Mostly from Twilight!
50.) Pugs- I love my dog who is a pug!
51.) The sound of a fan running- Strange but I love it!
52.) Blue Chevy Trucks- On my Bucket List
53.) Lace- Who doesn't love lace?
54.) Paris- Bucket List!
55.) California- Bucket List!
56.) Ireland- Bucket List!
57.) Corn Dogs/Pizza Rolls- I'm a junk food junkie!
58.) Gelato- OBSESSION!
59.) Blue/Teal-Favorite color
60.) Movie Nights- YASSS!

I hope all of you are having a wonderful and treat filled Valentine's Day! If you don't have a Valentine, than look no more! I'll be your valentine! Anyway, I'll be posting my bucket List in awhile so stay tuned! Love you all!

February 14th, 2014 at 10:28pm