Writing stalemate

So I have to write a poem for class and it has to be funny and it has to start with 'the Problem with...' I have literally been brainstorming all day only to come up with cliches like school, and writing the piece of shit in the first place.

It's not only that either. I'm also trying to re-write a chapter of my original fiction while simultaneously trying to write an entire new chapter for it while having to deal with school while somehow trying to make time for my art while doing extracurriculars while dealing with a concept for a comic book while dealing with bouts of fatigue while just not having the energy to tackle the beast that is that original fiction while also writing 2 others.


on a lighter note I am going to a rock concert next month, and my soccer team won our game on thurs. 2-0. I'm getting my iPod back sometime over the weekend and i am well rested. So i think when I'm done with this I'll go learn some new words and writing devices/strategies and then get to writing while I'm on the cusp of inspiration.

good day all!
from the central time zone (it's 1 am)
February 15th, 2014 at 08:38am