Would Anyone Be Willing to Talk to Me About Self-injury? [Found]

As it's Self-Injury Awareness Day on 1st of March, I want to write a Magazine article about self-harm amongst Mibbians. As someone who suffered with it for over three years and still has urges to this day, I thought it would be beneficial for people who aren't afraid to open up about their struggles with self-harm to be featured in an article to show the rest of the site that they are not alone and there are plenty of people who can be talked to about the topic, free from the fear of being judged.

So if anyone is open to talking to me about their self-harm (or the self-harm of someone they know), either leave a comment saying so and I'll private message you about it or just PM me and we can discuss it that way.

As I understand how some people might not be comfortable having their (user)name connected with their account of self-harm, it's also fine to be anonymous. Just so long as you're fine with being open about your struggle and would like to encourage the idea of removing the stigma from self-harm, that's all that's necessary.

If anyone just wants to talk about the topic but not be involved in the article, that's fine as well. I understand what it's like to not have anyone to speak to about it, so my inbox is free to abuse if necessary.
February 16th, 2014 at 12:17am