How I Read book tag

This tag is originally from the booktuber EnyasCorner, and I decided to do it, because I love doing book tags.

1. How do you find out about new books to read?

Through booktube and goodreads, and through book tumblrs mostly.

2. How did you get into reading?

I was encouraged to read at a young age; my mum always took me to the library when I was younger to borrow books. I also started reading Harry Potter when I was seven, and A Series of Unfortunate Events when I was nine, and those series had a lot of influence on me since I grew up with the books.

3. How has your taste in books changed as you’ve gotten older?

I used to read a lot of vampire novels and a lot of Jacqueline Wilson when I was around thirteen, and then I read at lot of Stephen King. Now I read mostly young adult and fantasy, and I try to read a variety of different authors.

4. How often do you buy books?

Fairly regularly. I walk past two book shops on the way to and from uni, and I usually go in, if only to browse.

5. How did you get into BookTubing? (bookblogging, in my case.)

I watch a lot of booktubers, and I wanted to try it out, but I’m not that comfortable speaking in front of cameras. Since I prefer writing, I thought I’d try out a book blog instead. I use tumblr because I’m used to the format.

6. How do you react when you don’t like the end of a book?

It depends. If I think the ending is really bad and doesn’t suit the story, I tend to avoid other books by the author.

7. How often have you taken a sneaky look at the back page of a book to see if it’s a happy ending?

I used to do that a lot when I was younger; I always used to read the last line of a novel just to see what happens. I don’t do that anymore though.

I want to tag AmorarEsDeVivir, little man;, prayers. and house of cards. (and if other people want to do it as well or talk about their answers in comments, that's fine! Send me a link if you do this tag, I'd love to see how everyone else answers.)
February 18th, 2014 at 08:21pm