2/20/14, 70 Questions Tag

Hello beauties! I know that today is the 19th but I won't have time to post tomorrow! I hope you all enjoy!

1.) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Open, I have
no doors.
2.) Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from a hotel?
Yes, I do! Why wouldn't I?
3.) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Out.
4.) Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No...
5.) Do you like to use Post-It Notes? Yes! They are a must!
6.) Do you cut out coupons and never use them. Nope.
7.) Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
8.) Do you have freckles? Nope!
9.) Do you always smile for pictures? I try to!
10.) What is your biggest pet peeve? Smoking!
11.) Do you ever count your steps while you walk? Nope!
12.) Have you ever peed in the woods? Nope.
13.) What about pooped in the woods? Um..Nope
14.) Do you ever dance if there's no music playing? Yeah, sometimes!
15.) Do you ever chew your pens and pencils? No, never!
16.) How many people have you talked to this week? About thirty
17.) What size is your bed? Twin!
18.) What is your song of the week? Boomerang by The Summer Set
19.) Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yeah, why not?
20.) Do you still watch cartoons? Yes
21.) What's your least favorite movie? American Hustle
22.) Where would you bury hidden treasure? In someone's basement
23.) What do you drink with dinner? Arizona Tea or Dr. Pepper
24.) What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Sweet and Sour
25.) What is your favorite food? Anything Chicken!
26.) What movie could you watch over and over? Twilight
27.) Last person you kissed? No one
28.) Were you ever a girl scout? Yes for five years
29.) Would you ever pose nude for a mag? No!
30.) When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? Um...A week ago
31.) Can you change the oil on a car? Nope
32.) Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Nope
33.) Ever ran out of gas? Nope
34.) Favorite kind of sandwich? Black Forest Ham from Subway
35.) Best thing to eat for breakfast? Chocolate Chip Muffins
36.) When is your usual bedtime? Ten-ten thirty
37.) Are you lazy? Sometimes
38.) When you were a kid what did you dress up for Halloween?
Princesses or fun things like that!
39.) What is your Chinese astrological sign? Sagittarius
40.) How many languages can you speak? Two
41.) Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Yes, J-14 Mag
42.) Which are better Lincoln Logs or Lego's? Lego's!
43.) Are you stubborn? Nope
44.) Who is better Leno or Letterman? Leno
45.) Ever watch soap operas? Yes, Bold and the Beautiful
46.) Are you afraid of heights? Nope
47.) Do you sing in the car? Yeah
48.) Do you sing in the shower? Yeah
49.) Do you dance in the car? Yeah
50.) Ever used a gun? Yup
51.) Last time you got a portrait done by a professional? Never
52.) Do you think musical are cheesy? Kind of.
53.) Is Christmas stressful? Somewhat
54.) Ever eat a pirogi? Nope
55.) Favorite type of pie? Apple
56.) Occupations you wanted to be as a kid? Ballerina
57.) Do you believe in ghosts? Nope
58.) Ever have Da-Ja- Vu? Yes
59.) Take a vitamin daily? No
60.) Wear slippers? yes
61.) Wear a bath robe? NO
62.) What do you wear to bed? Fuzzy pants and shirt
63.) First Concert? Jonas Brothers
64.) WalMart, Target, Or KMart? Target
65.) Nike or Adidas? Nike
66.) Cheetos or Fritos? Cheetos!
67.) Peanuts or Sun-flower seeds? Peanuts
68.) Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? Nope
69.) Ever take dance lessons? yes
70.) Tea or coffee? BOTH

Thanks for reading! Comments your answers below!

February 19th, 2014 at 10:53pm