I Don't Know What To Title This...

I hate my new English teacher. Not only is he awful to look at (especially since we have English before lunch) but he's plain boring. Art and English are my best subjects and this dude is ruining it for me. My old English teacher adored me and this guy is just...argggghhhhh!!!

On the subject of English would anyone please read my story and leave a comment? I'll read your in return, I promise.
Mine isn't slashy or filled boysex and unfortunately has nothing to do with My Chemical Romance, but I'm quite proud of it (it's only a one-shot it won't take you long!)
It's about a boy going to war and leaving the girl he loves. It's all soppy and tragic but cute, so give it a shot okay?

Thanks a million! xx
September 12th, 2007 at 04:58am