It’s the Small Things that Matter

You know that feeling of pure euphoria you get when you meet someone truly kind, and who understands you perfectly? Well, I experienced this high last Sunday and experienced it once again last night. I met this kind person at TexanCon, the anime/comic book convention at my college, Tarleton State University. He is hard on himself, but that’s only because he’s been hurt repeatedly in the past. I see past his scars, and see him for the amazingly kind person he truly is. It’s people like him who make this world worth living. I cannot express enough how good and moral a human being he is. I guess it’s true when people say the kindest people have been hurt the most. Ladies and gentlemen of Mibba, if you ever meet someone like I’m describing hold on to them, and don’t let them go.

I had a great night with him, watching movies. We watched The Wolverine and Now You See Me. Both movies were great! I had never seen them before, so watching them with this kind person was a plus. 

My question for you guys is this: Do you realize that some people would be lost without you and that they rely on you for their own sanity? We are more loved than we realize. 

Halloweenlover signing out.
February 25th, 2014 at 07:46pm