We Live As a Pawn in a Big Chess Game Of Life. (4/5)-money

Can you tell me one time that you didn't want any money. Let me ask you can you live without money. Money gets you things money as a currency. Without money we could not have a buyer seller's market. Without money could you live your total happiness. What I be wrong in saying all world is run on money. And to wrap this all up. How do we get money. We get money from Having Jobs. Where do job come from. Our education. What does money help us do. It helps us get the things we need and want. Who controls the things we need and want. Buyers and sellers. Why do we have buyers and sellers because they want to be on top of the other person. They want total happiness. They want to be the best out there. In the real world. Who looks over everyone. The government. Even in our capitalist society. Who is on top The government. Who regulates the money. The government. We had people are given small portions of the money that they make. They make the money through printing presses. There the reason were in inflation. Money drives all of us. I hope to get to our total happiness.
February 25th, 2014 at 11:00pm