Icky and Sickly

There must be some kind of a bug going around. I rarely get sick but when I do, it hits me like a truck in a snowstorm.

I've discovered that peppermint tea is pretty much the greatest kind of tea. Technically I have the Candy Cane Lane by Celestial Seasonings, but it's practically one in the same as peppermint. I finally opened the box that I've had a week ago and it's saving my unhappy tummy today.

My eyes protest! The burn is persistent! But I somehow get it in my mind that watching TV is a good idea. And it's not just catching up on that one episode of New Girl, it's watching the crappiest TV possible cause hey, you're sick and you can't change the channel. But it's also starting a whole new series and watching five seasons.
Vampire Diaries? Bring it on.
Yes please:
(Not going to lie, I totally got distracted for a good ten minutes when I went looking for a picture of these men. Why does everyone in Mystic Falls look so good??)

Suddenly every book needs to be read, usually before I pick up the remote and fall asleep in front of the TV. Never mind the fact that I definitely did not have the time just a few days ago, I suddenly have created time now. (Just kidding, I'm still going to have to do all the work that I'm putting off.)

"The Center Cannot Hold" by Elyn Saks is unbelievable. An absolutely amazing read! It's about her experience with a mental disease ((schizophrenia) and how her life shifted in tremendous ways.

One of my all time favorites is "East of Eden" by John Steinbeck. I love him as an author but there's just something about that story that I don't tire of even after one read.
I think I could go on forever about books. :)

Finally! What it all leads to! Sleep!

Can I do this professionally?

When I'm sick the mornings and afternoons are the best time for me to get any of my work done, hopefully most all of it. When evening rolls around, my mind follows the lead of the sun and says good bye.

I think Aurora is my spirit princess.

The worst part of being sick is when you're achy and tired but you just can't fall asleep! You can feel exactly how much you need it but...well....this picture describes it all:
For me, this usually happens the second day. The day when I'm the sickest of course.
It simply sucks.

I hope this bug passes and my mind stops shutting down!
I wish for all of my work to be magically completed. J.K Rowling should have invented a spell for that!
Hopefully I won't be feverish and sluggish.
I also fantasize to have a bit of Ian Somerhalder all to myself. (Let my deluded mind dream in peace please)

February 26th, 2014 at 05:06am