Let's Have a Chat Shall We?

I'm a little upset folks. There are just some things that don't change. I thought everyone had gotten past, using "gay" as a synonym for stupid. But I was very, very wrong.

I may be as straight as line but I have relatives who are gay, my own father even. (And no I wasn't adopted, he's my real dad who pro created with my mom. Ew. But still I thought we'd cover that just in case someone asks.) I find using words like that very hurtful.

Just out of respect for another human being couldn't we just use the word stupid? Or dumb? Hell, I don't even care if you use the word daft. But when I see things like "gay as aids" it makes me feel like you're a person I don't want to associate myself with.

That's deliberate cruelty when you say something like that. AIDS is an extremely serious disease. Even with the treatments we have now, some people don't make it out alive.

For the record too, homosexual men aren't the only one who can be infected with the disease, heterosexual men, and women are just as susceptible to the virus as anyone else.

I know some people think my opinions are warped because I was raised around this "lifestyle", honestly even if I wasn't I know myself and I'm very open minded. I'm all for freedom of individuality, and to live the way you want to live your life.

Until it comes down to something like this. I will not EVER tolerate bullying, discrimination, or deliberate cruelty.

I've seen it happen way too many times,to, too many people that I love, and care about. I will always be there for people who feel they've been cornered maliciously, attacked for no reason, and made fun of because someone else has a shitty life and they want to make someone else as miserable as they are.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, for all of you who ever need an ally, I'll stand by you no matter what.

And for those of you who choose to remain ignorant, I won't be your enemy but I will never give you the satisfaction of conversation. Or any other social interaction.
February 27th, 2014 at 04:31pm