My thoughts and originality

People want to question is their sense of being unique anymore. Because you get your ideas from somewhere. But I hope the plagiarism part of race of human beings. If the thoughts aren't yours why are you saying. To educated or knowledgeable. To show something that you're really not. I hope as a human race was smart enough to articulate and come up with their own ideas based upon the information that we got from others. This is where I think originality is not dead. It's up to you to take and what information you have and make it into something that you can articulate by yourself. And another way originalities not dead is this multiple is the same things. So maybe even feelings of some fact or some spoken word has been produced already. But if you were able to articulate it's been making your own do a spinoff of some sorts it shows that you understand it and also were coming from. There's many ways to say one sentence.

A lot of people have said everything is been said already. But there is no different ways you can say it and articulate the same idea better. Or formulate your own business based on your own opinions.

And I will have new inventions a new thoughts and feelings this is how our society prospers and changes and becomes refined. This is how we learn new concepts. Like the light blub or string theory.

I hope this gives you a new look and new insight on the topic of originality. It is complete Irony if we say that we get ideas from somewhere and not are not able to articulate our own thoughts and feelings to be unique and unoriginal. That this blog would have no grounds or no meaning.

So please comment on this blog. And if you say this blog is not unique or unoriginal I will be willing to debate that with you
February 28th, 2014 at 05:25am